The New York Public Library gets some newly found respect:

The New York Public Library has seen a spike of 40 percent in program attendance and a nearly 60 percent increase in circulation over the last decade…according to a recent report from the Center for an Urban Future.

“No other institution, public or private, does a better job of reaching people who have been left behind in today’s economy, have failed to reach their potential in the city’s public school system or who simply need help navigating an increasingly complex world,” the report said.

In the past year alone, attendance at the NYPL jumped more than 700,000 to a record 18,211,405, the library said, which could be attributed to increased programming, renovated branches, more tourism and new, higher-quality exhibitions, NYPL spokeswoman Angel Montefinise said. “During fiscal year 2012, we had over 10,000 extra programs and we targeted them better . . . Our program attendance has swelled by more than 200,000 during that period,” Montefinise said, adding that recent renovations at the branches “continued to attract more patrons than ever before.”

There..feel better now?

Screen shot 2013-03-18 at 6.43.50 AM Rhymes with Orange
by Hilary B. Price